The Stages Of Baby Teething: What To Expect And How To Prepare

The Stages Of Baby Teething What To Expect And How To Prepare

We know that the teething stage is not only hard on your baby, but on you as well. As parents, it’s difficult to hear your baby’s cries and know that they are in pain. It is our instinct to do whatever we can to ease that pain and make them as comfortable as possible.

In today’s post from Punkin Butt, we’ll go over the five stages of baby teething so that you know what to expect and how to prepare. Making your child as comfortable as possible is important not only to you, but to us as well. Be sure to check out our latest blog post to learn more about how you can safely soothe teething pain, and be sure to browse our shop for more teething solutions and treatments today!

A baby is sleeping with his head on the pillow.

Stage One: 0-6 Months

When babies are born, they have their full set of ‘milk teeth’ beneath the gums, and these teeth can start to appear anytime during these first few months. Milk teeth are just the temporary, first set of teeth in your baby’s growth and development.

For some babies, it can take weeks for the first tooth to appear, and for some it is only a few days. It’s even possible for a baby to be born with teeth even though some won’t get them until much later. Teething is the term that refers to the process of the teeth being pushing through the gums. Babies can start to teethe before six months, but teeth don’t generally start to appear yet. So, in stage one, you can expect a few painful teething episodes, but no teeth yet.

Stage Two: 6 Months

The second stage of teething will be a little more painful for your baby — causing more of those sleepless nights and restless days. After six months, your baby’s incisors will start to come through and usually in a specific order. Typically, the two middle teeth at the bottom come first.

When your baby starts teething, Punkin Butt has a variety of products to help soothe the pain and provide safe teething solutions, including our teething oil and amber teething solution necklace.

Stage Three: 10-18 Months

The third stage of teething involves the molar teeth that are needed for chewing and eating. They also appear in a particular order, starting with the top teeth on either side of the mouth and followed by the two bigger teeth on each side on the bottom.

Molars are very painful for babies, so you can expect some extra drooling and even an upset stomach. To help ease the pain of this stage of teething, grab a bottle of Punkin Butt Teething Oil today.

Stage Four: 16-22 Months

Stage four of the teething process involves the canine teeth and a lot of pain and discomfort once again. The first two canine teeth to appear will be on top before the lower canine teeth come through. At this point, even through the pain and discomfort, your baby will have a beautiful smile to start showing off!

The Amber Teething Solution Necklace that we offer here at Punkin Butt is a great way to soothe some of that intense teething pain. There are also a wide variety of teething oils that can be used to help alleviate some of that pain and discomfort. To truly be prepared, be sure to stock up on these oils and other products to help your baby in the safest way possible.

Stage Five: 25-33 Months

The last stage of teething can sometimes be the most painful (we know, will it ever end?) It’s only the most painful because this is when the biggest teeth start to erupt through the gums. At this point, you have more of a toddler on your hands now, which can be beneficial because they can more accurately let you know that they are in pain and exactly what hurts.

Many parents don’t realize that their baby can still be teething at this point, so it’s important to check for new teeth if your child is complaining of pain or discomfort or even generally not feeling well.

By the end of these five stages, your baby will have 20 beautiful teeth, and you made it! You survived and so did they.

Shop Punkin Butt for More Teething Solutions and Products for You and Your Baby!

Punkin Butt was started by two work-from-home moms that wanted the best for their babies. That’s why we offer safe, homeopathic products for giving you and your baby the best care. Our specialty Punkin Butt Teething Oil will help soothe your baby (and you!) during those five tough teething stages. Shop our entire collection of artisanal baby products today and find relief for you and your baby today!